The Standard of Liberty Voice
For God,Religion,Family,Freedom
A publication of The Standard of Liberty Foundation
January 24, 2016, #83

The Alarm is Sounding
by Ken Cromar

Twelve & 47-Years Later
by Ken Cromar

When I was 9-years old, I was sexually abused by an teenage boy, but was unable to talk or deal with it until I hit 40 years of age!  I had felt ashamed.  It took 32 years before I realized it wasn’t my fault and that I was the victim.  To deal with it I began to write about it.  I spent 8-months researching the subject of homosexuality and wrote 36 drafts before finishing The Alarm is Sounding.  (see below)  

Re-reading it today, 12 years later, it has a raw edge of a hurt and pain to it, which I was tempted to re-write.  I won’t.  Instead, I realized that that the honest feelings I shared at that time may serve a purpose and so I decided to leave it alone.  Also, it was written at a time when homosexuality was not popular and celebrated as it is today.  The societal norms of 2004 were way different than in 2016.  

A young relative of mine recently publicly acknowledged on FaceBook the 1-year anniversary of her and her missionary companion being assaulted in Mexico (we’re Mormon), as a way for her to heal.  She is much braver than I was.  I’m proud of her.  I know I’m taking a risk sharing The Alarm is Sounding with the Grahams and others because some under-informed folks see my views as “intolerant” and “homophobic".  They are wrong.  I am not, but  I am a victim!  I condemn no one, not even the teenager who stole my innocence.  I pray God finds, helps, heals and redeems him.  May I suggest a great video series available for FREE to help those needing addiction recovery — whatever the addiction — 12 Steps to Change at…   (Warning - most of the material may not be suitable for children) 

Yes, I'll risk the ridicule in sharing my 2004 copyrighted The Alarm is Sounding in the hope of helping a lonely reader somewhere out there begin the healing process faster than the 30-years it took me — and hopefully dissuade someone from considering killing the innocence of a child for their selfish sexual satisfaction.  (this includes child porn and pedophilia)  I’ve had many a voiceless reader contact me privately and thank me for risking and sharing my story.  May God bless and heal you too dear reader…


The alarm is sounding. The enemy is at the gate. Fortress America is under attack. Numerous enemies are circling, anxious to see our great nation fall. But, sadly, our biggest enemies are not foreign terrorists, but dangerously disloyal "friends" from within. History reminds us that seldom are great civilizations conquered from the outside unless weakened or compromised from the inside. The great Roman and Greek empires were destroyed by their outside enemies only after they had first rotted from within.

When our nation was young, Alexis de Tocqueville correctly observed that, "America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." Our heritage of "goodness" has created the "walls" that have long protected this nation, but now they are crumbling at the foundation. Will America join the Greeks and Romans as a passing footnote in history? Or, will we choose to rebuild and reinforce her "walls" while there is still time?

Today America’s crisis is a crisis of loyalty. We are disloyal to each other; our wives, our children, our veteran dead, our God and our country. We are cheating on each other sexually, socially, in business, through addictions, and in government. Nowhere is this selfishness more clearly demonstrated and of greatest immediate threat than by the self-serving homosexual activists’ agenda.

Homosexual activists have declared war on the institution of marriage and the traditional family. Their stated objective? Change the definition of "marriage" in order to legalize same-sex marriages. The actual consequences? A legal Trojan horse that would eventually open up to release numerous spin-off laws, costly entitlements and numerous new "rights" soon to be created. Like a vile of poison, their agenda, once administered through the "harmless" legalization of same-sex marriage or “civil unions”, will not have any immediate or obvious impact. There will be no sudden explosions. No buildings falling. No loud machine-gun fire. But, in time, the silent poison would have the same affect and mean certain death to marriage and the family, and eventually our nation. Is the situation really that serious? Yes. Are we asleep? Yes. Is it possible that being overly tolerant of others’ selfish desires could destroy this nation? Yes.

Some of us have already been victimized by this poison of selfishness. When nine years old I was sexually abused by a teenage boy. It took 32 years before I could even verbalize that it had happened and begin to heal. Also, I have had to speak at the funeral of a childhood friend who died of AIDS because of his homosexual pursuits. I have seen too much pain, wiped too many tears, read too much scientific data, and can no longer remain silent. The homosexual lifestyle is selfish and creates genetic deadend branches on the human family tree

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