Standard of Liberty is a Christ-centered educational foundation which exists to raise awareness of radical sexual movements
overrunning America's Christian-moral-cultural life and to inspire the public will, families, and individuals to counteract these trends.

Please note: Our view of homosexuality and the like does not include rejection or condemnation of individuals, nor is it about acceptance and praise
for unnatural and unhealthy sexual identification and behaviors. We promote hope and help in preventing, understanding, and overcoming sexual problems
. Read our Story. Read our open letter . Parents: read "The Only Good Choice."

The Standard of Liberty Voice
For God,Religion,Family,Freedom
A publication of The Standard of Liberty Foundation
February 18, 20132, #66

Too Many Are Silent

Book Review by Standard of Liberty's Janice Graham
of Stand for the Family by Sharon Slater, President of Family Watch International.

We have become a civilization-international, national, state, and local-that now persists on valuing what is most worthless and harmful in place of what is most essential and healthy. Sharon Slater outlines this fatal trajectory to a "t" in Stand for the Family. Shocking and riveting, this book has the potential to pry open the eyes of a comfortable and complacent people and motivate them to thought and action. We are given a wide picture, from the author's stunning personal witness of the "broad assault on the family" at the radical and powerful United Nations to shocking information exposing the stealthy sexual rights agenda as it worms its way into our homes, schools, churches, and communities.

Employing cold hard facts on every such travesty, from the demeaning of motherhood, to the lies involved in the evil of convenience abortion, to the sexualization of school children, to the societal embrace of pornography, to the whitewashing of homosexuality and every other perversion, Slater shows that "every aspect of the assault on the family comes down to one underlying movement, the movement to destroy all societal restraints on sexual behavior."

Not many pages are turned before the reader must confess: It is beyond doubt that in our modern world the selfish sexuality-related demands of a few are well on the way to topping every other concern: the value of human posterity, public health and safety, support for the conjugal family, parental rights, decency and modesty, religious freedom, bona fide education, the innocence of children, even people's rights to the kind of psychological care they wish to receive.

Undoubtedly, the most graphic example of modern sexuality-related irresponsibility and selfishness is popular abortion and the harmful lies promoting it. Of all the evils our society now winks at, this has to be the worst. Forewarning the faint of heart, Slater describes five abortion procedures, none of which are humane. It turns out there is no clean, painless, or harmless way of getting rid of a pregnancy at any stage, whether for the baby or the mother. During any abortion a human body is delivered, albeit dead or left to die, that is, in bloody pieces, burned, shriveled, suffocating, or punctured with a collapsed, sucked-out skull. And mothers who choose to abort their babies are at inordinately high risk of multiple negative complications and consequences (including death and suicide).

Slater is also greatly exercised, as we all should be, with the harm being done to America's posterity that has been most recently allowed to be born. She writes, "I am concerned about laws, policies and school programs that promote homosexuality as these can affect the well-being of children and youth . . . Socially liberal teachers are carefully shaping the minds and hearts of the rising generation . . . When homosexuality is promoted, children can more easily be persuaded to adopt a homosexual lifestyle and thus experience many of the well-documented negative outcomes associated with this lifestyle."

A distinction is made between those homosexuals who keep to themselves and those homosexuals and their supporters who are actively working to push the homosexual agenda (and we add, in whatever degree or aspect). Slater warns that the latter are dangerous and destructive on a societal scale. It is well documented that activists have long planned and plotted to draw public attention away from what homosexuality is really about: perverse, impulsive, self-indulgent sex and sexuality.  Just one of many examples is how the "media rarely portrays the sexual abuse of boys by men as a homosexual issue." And Slater adds,  "Please understand that the drive for 'sexual rights' is not limited to homosexuality."

In an attempt to understand why anti-family forces are so determined to break boundaries and redefine marriage and family, Slater points out that many individuals have been harmed, disappointed, and become embittered, and as a result wish to throw the baby out with the bath water. To these sad souls, the very idea of "traditional family" has become inflammatory. "Dysfunctional, abusive families are a breeding ground for anti-family activists. As more families disintegrate, the ranks of the anti-family forces will grow, and the attacks against the traditional family will increase."

What can be done? The author says the problem is simple. "Even though we are in the majority, too many people are remaining silent." Throughout her book the indefatigable Sharon Slater offers suggestions on how to get involved in the fight and includes "Ten Ways to Immunize Your Family Against the Assaults."

While the author insists, "this book is not a religious book" (emphasis hers), presenting her case entirely on the facts at hand, I suspect she knows exactly what she is up to. Everything moral, right, and good comes from God. The obligation to battle against the devil is certainly nothing new. Thus, a book about fighting evil and standing for good cannot be anything but religious at its heart whether anyone recognizes that or not.

The world has turned its back on its Creator. Only a return to God-"a moral and spiritual regeneration" to quote the late Robert Bork-can save it.

For more information go to

-Stephen & Janice Graham

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