Standard of Liberty is a Christ-oriented educational foundation which exists to raise awareness of radical sexual movements
overrunning America's Christian-moral-cultural life and to inspire the public will, families, and individuals to counteract these trends.

Please note: Our view of homosexuality and the like does not include rejection or condemnation of individuals, nor is it about acceptance and praise
for unnatural and unhealthy sexual identification and behaviors. We promote hope and help in preventing, understanding, and overcoming sexual problems
. Read our Story. Read our open letter . Parents: read "The Only Good Choice."

The Standard of Liberty Voice
For God,Religion,Family,Freedom
A publication of The Standard of Liberty Foundation
December 22, 2010, #52


Do Ask, Do Tell:
Congress Flies Gay Flag Over Our Troops

It is perhaps the darkest day in the history of our essential American Military. What is the most discriminatory of all governmental institutions, at the price of our national defense, now flies under the phony gay rainbow flag. The lame duck U. S. Congress hurried to repeal the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law December 18, 2010, a law signed by President Clinton in 1993 that disallowed open homosexuality in the military. Even though this law was better than nothing, it showed a fatal degree of acceptance toward alternative sexuality. Clinton was in essence saying, okay, we accept gayness as legitimate, just keep it to yourself if you’re a soldier. This was the slippery slope that led to the law’s repeal; if gayness is legitimate, why shouldn’t gays be able to proclaim their preference and act out? With the repeal of this law it appears that open alternative sexuality/alternative gender identities will now be allowed among military personnel.

New rules relative to gays in the military will be promulgated. As with every societal institution, we must now ask ourselves how allowing homosexuality and the like in the everyday activities of our armed forces will look. The ramifications of the repeal of this law, the collateral damage and the infrastructural changes that would have to be made to maintain some degree of integrity, discipline, decorum, and order, seem practically endless. We cannot make a comprehensive list, nor can we imagine them all, but here are some that will have to be faced:

– Soldiers’ unity, trust, and discipline will be compromised. (Women in the U. S. military are not allowed to fight on the front lines side-by-side with male soldiers and are required to live in separate barracks, one reason for this being that women prove to be a distraction and temptation to men. If sexuality between soldiers is allowed to be openly practiced, undue preferences, jealousies, and lewdness will most likely result that will put order, effectiveness, and lives at risk. Will same-sex partners who may be legally married to each other get to be in the same unit and engage in sexual activities in barracks or in battle in close quarters with the other soldiers? This public display may be acceptable to them but offensive to others.)

– Chaplains, and all others who hold fast to their Biblical religious beliefs, including those conservative officers seeking career advancement, will have to get with the program of accepting homosexuality (and gay marriage?) as normal or be fired, otherwise punished, or forced to resign. In this way their first amendment freedoms of speech and the free practice of religion will be obliterated. (We might say the U. S. Military is now doing the exact opposite of what it was intended, that is, to defend America and all it stands for. We have to decide which freedoms we will prefer and protect: those enumerated in our constitution or out-of-bounds individual sexual freedoms a relative few have decided are more important.)

– Retention and recruitment will suffer. There are those currently in the military, and those who plan on military careers, who will change their plans because of the acceptance of open homosexuality. There are men who do not want to train, bunk, shower, sleep, and fight alongside other men who have homosexual/anal sex on their minds. Parents will discourage their children from joining for these same reasons.

– How about housing? It isn’t fair or decent or proper to put straight and gay men together in close quarters. So where should gays live? With women? This isn’t fair or decent or proper for women. With each other in a whole new set of barracks? Even worse! (And the same goes for lesbians.) How about gay couples who are “married?” Will the military have to provide them housing alongside heterosexual couples? All this would be paid for by American taxpayers.

– Will military doctors and hospitals be forced to perform sex change surgeries? What uniforms, male or female, will these unfortunate people wear in the process and after? Will normal men and normal women have to live and serve and fight alongside these distracting, confused people? What about the soldier whose decides his gender identity is liquid and changes from day to day? Will they be required to choose a permanent gender identity?

– Will the same rules for sexual morality apply to homo or bisexuals that apply to heterosexuals? (There are strict rules for sexual conduct in the military.) Or will gays be allowed to act out indiscriminately? Will they say that since they don’t get to be married they should be allowed to engage in unlimited sex with unlimited partners?

– In a structured all-male environment where homosexuality is publicly and openly accepted and practiced if only through casual activities such as conversation, flirting, dancing, and dating, homosexual behavior will spread, secretly if need be. Emboldened by public legitimization, there is no doubt there will be an increase in men initiating other/younger men into homosexuality (pulling rank?), which will cause an inordinate spread of homosexual behaviors and corresponding illnesses and diseases.

– Military courts will be swamped with cases involving all manner of sexuality and sexual behaviors, including sexual freedom vs. religious freedom. If we think we have seen outrageous gay-based court cases in civilian courts, just wait for the onslaught from the military sector where innocent people trying to do their jobs turn into sitting ducks for the gay juggernaut.

The military tradition has always included the enforcement of sound sexual morality. This all- volunteer force is mostly comprised of Christians who overwhelming disapproved of repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law. ANY sexual immorality has previously been distrusted, disallowed, and punished in the U. S. military. This is about to change. Gayness is all about acting out. Unless this country drastically changes direction, over time we will see the order, health, strength, and effectiveness of this great and essential institution diminish.

Where institutions are concerned, it appears that our military has been the last holdout against the open acceptance of all manner of alternative sexuality. In the last decade especially, our schools and even churches have been succumbing to the pressure from the powerful, deceptive, victimhood-claiming gay lobby. What is really a problematic disorder, an unnatural choice, and an immoral and highly risky behavior that harms individuals and weakens nations, is now supported and celebrated in a government that once held fast to God and His rules for sexual morality.

What can you do? Contact those who voted against the repeal of this law and thank them. Contact those who voted for it and express your disapproval. Share these developments and your beliefs with others and take these sentiments to the voting booth.

--Stephen Graham



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