The Standard of Liberty Voice
For God,Religion,Family,Freedom
A publication of The Standard of Liberty Foundation
December 6, 2008, #46

SoL’s FAQ – and the short answers
Here are questions we are frequently asked about SoL

Q: Why do you call yourselves the Standard of Liberty when you focus on homosexuality?
A: The “gay” movement is inhibiting the safety, freedom, and prosperity of America. Q: Isn’t societal acceptance of homosexuality a sign of progress and enlightenment?
A: No. Homosexuality is an ancient practice that signals a civilization’s demise.

Q: You say homosexuality is physically harmful. How?
A: Homosexual sex (sodomy), causes chronic illnesses and life-threatening disease (HIV/AIDS), shortening life by an average of 20 years. The human body is simply not made for this behavior. In addition, adopting the “gay” identity often masks dangerous psychological problems that need attention.

Q: Doesn’t heterosexual sex carry the same physical risks as homosexual sex?
A: No, none, if there is abstinence before marriage, and fidelity and healthy, normal sexual intercourse in marriage.

Q: Isn’t homosexuality just another kind of love?
A: No. If there is love present, it has taken a wrong turn by including sexual lust. People who love each other do not risk each other’s health and well-being. The only healthy and appropriate love between same sexes is nonsexual, such as in friendships and families.

Q: Isn’t great love, loyalty, and affection between two people of the same sex a sign of homosexuality?
A: No. This ridiculous and hurtful idea is now being trumped up about famous people, posthumously. It’s disgraceful to attempt to turn such pure love into sexual lust. Such love between friends warrants great service and sacrifice. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

Q: Isn’t it hateful and intolerant to oppose homosexuality?
A: No. It’s actually compassionate and charitable to oppose things that are harmful to individuals and society.

Q: Aren’t you disrespecting “gays” as human beings?
A: No. It is certain sexual ideas and behaviors that are not worthy of respect.

Q: Aren’t followers of Christ supposed to “judge not that ye be not judged?”
A: Out of context. This scripture (Matt. 7:1, Luke 6:37, 3 Nephi 14:1) is about condemning specific persons while overlooking our own faults. We at SoL judge principles, not people. All people make judgments on principles every day.

Q: Isn’t it hurtful to “gays” to call homosexuality a sin and an abomination?
A: Yes, these words may hurt. But these are God’s words. The truth often hurts before it heals.

Q: Why do you put the word “gay” in quotes?
A: Because the word used to mean something else – merry, playful, as in gaiety – and was adopted by activists to attempt to give homosexuality an immutable identity and make it appear to be something attractive, wholesome, and good. It is a fabricated corruption of the language.

Q: Has public opinion changed concerning homosexuality?
A: Yes. Due to systematic introduction of homosexual propaganda, pro-“gay” public policies and court decisions, the public is increasingly accepting of same sex sexuality in addition to and in preparation for the breaking down of all other sexual boundaries.

Q: Are you “the self-appointed moral police,” as some have said?
A: No. It is God who appoints all who will to stand for objective principles of truth and goodness. Our detractors are self-appointed, pushing an arbitrary, self-serving, and ultimately non-benevolent set of rules.

Q: Why do you focus on the cultural and political homosexual agenda?
A: It threatens freedoms, indoctrinates youth, harms people, and weakens the nation.

Q: Why don’t you focus more on understanding and helping individuals struggling with SSA?
A: That is the job of individuals, professional therapists, church leaders, and families.

Q: Shouldn’t we accept a young person as “gay” so he won’t become suicidal?
A: No. Actually, “the risk of suicide decreases by 20 % for each year that a young person delays homosexual or bisexual self-labeling.” (Remafedi, Farrow, and Deisher, 1991.)

Q: Isn’t the high rate of gay suicides due to societal nonacceptance?
A: No. There is a huge mainstream support system for homosexuality today. Suicide is caused by mental/emotional illness, of which homosexuality may only be a part.

Q: Isn’t “gay” who they are?
A: No. Humans are biologically heterosexual. Homosexuality is normal sexuality gone awry.

Q: What causes SSA?
A: Temperament plus environment. It won’t happen without environmental factors. As our society has become more and more “gay”-affirming, more and more vulnerable young people are being lured into homosexuality. (See Homosexuality 101, Julie Harren-Hamilton)

Q: Do you think homosexuality is a conscious choice?
A: No for some - it’s a developmental disorder. Yes for others – it’s trendy and rebellious. Or it’s a combination of those. But unless a person is mentally ill, it’s always a choice to live it out. It’s definitely a choice to publically self-identify as “gay.”

Q: Why in the world would anybody choose to be “gay” (as in public identification and lifestyle)?
A: Men especially choose the lifestyle because it’s about sex. Sexual thoughts, feelings, and acts are pleasurable and exciting. The objective of the “gay” lifestyle is easy, quick, shallow, fake sex with no strings attached. Like drugs, sex is often a person’s escape from responsibility, the pain of unmet needs, insecurity, guilt, etc.

Q: Is homosexuality really a public trend?
A: Yes. The idea that “gay” is bold, good, cool, natural, normal, progressive, etc., is celebrated on our public streets, in our schools and universities, in our news and entertainment media, and in everyday social interactions especially among young people. Hugely-funded “gay” lobbies and organizations are esteemed and pandered to in public and political arenas. There are companies, publishers, TV and radio stations, awards, bars, clubs, retail stores, cruises, resorts, and tourist destinations all over the country and world which showcase and cater especially to this segment of the population. America’s cities entice and accommodate “gays” as tourists with brochures, welcoming statements from mayors, and maps to “gay” hot spots.

Q: Is there really a "gay agenda" and who is behind it?
A: Yes there is a "gay agenda." Read Matt Barber's article on CWA website. Pushing the agenda are a number of groups: HRC, SIECUS, GLAAD, GSA, PFLAG are just a few. Also see After the Ball and "Overhauling Straight America," which laid out the plan they have been following.

Q: What if they can’t help it?
A: Unless people are severely mentally ill, they can choose how to think, feel, and act. They can avoid situations, seek help, and learn to change old thought patterns.

Q: If it’s so risky, why do people stay in the lifestyle?
A: Several reasons. Once involved, many often continue to act out in order to justify their choices. Sex is exciting and addictive. It masks pain. Often drugs such as crystal meth are used during sex binges which gives a false sense of invulnerability. And the health risks involved often add to the excitement. In fact, among many “gays” those with HIV are held in high esteem. It’s a dark, dangerous sub-culture that is misrepresented, winked at, and guarded in denial and secrecy.

Q: Is there really recruitment of young people going on?
A: Yes. Both “gay” individuals and the “gay” movement wish to attract youth for personal, political, and financial reasons. Youth is attractive. Young people are consumers and future customers. They will become voters. They hold the future in their hands. Because “gays” do not reproduce, they must recruit in order to justify and multiply. Children and young people are vulnerable and easy for adults to entice. Media, government, public school systems, and even the national PTA, have become notoriously conditioned and sympathetic, sometimes unwittingly, to the “gay” cause. Historically, any group out to change and control society specifically targets and indoctrinates children on a cultural and state scale.

Q: What do you mean by “gay” propaganda?
A: Any written, spoken, or otherwise produced material promoting homosexuality and the like as victimized, funny, hip, normal, benign, healthy, genetic, immutable, good, praiseworthy, equal to heterosexuality, or preferable. Such material is commonplace in all facets of our society today.

Q: Do you discriminate against “gays”?
A: No, if they keep their sexual proclivities strictly to themselves. Yes, if they push their agenda on others. For instance, we do not want them parading the streets, pressuring leaders, given special rights and protections, celebrated in schools and media, or influencing children. It is all decent people’s obligation to discriminate against individuals, behaviors, movements, and ideas that are false or dangerous to general health, safety and freedom. We discriminate all the time, such as when we prohibit smoking in public places, take drunks of the highways, put criminals in prisons, and oppose tyrants.

Q: Can “gays” change?
A: Yes. People are living proof.

Q: Doesn’t reparative therapy harm people?
A: No. People attempting to change are not harmed.

Q: How many really change from unwanted homosexuality?
A: A new study reports a 38% success rate. An additional 29% had made progress and were committed to continuing their efforts. That’s a combined total of 67% experiencing success. (Jones and Yarhouse, 2007) In the mental heath profession, this rate of success is considered very high.

Q: What are some factors that best ensure change from unwanted homosexuality?
A: Humility, sincere commitment, forsaking related associations and influences, the right kind of therapy, belief in God and holy scripture, faith in Christ, support from family, friends, and church leaders.

Q: How do we know if a person has really overcome SSA?
A: He says so and his life shows it. (This is also how we know a person has SSA.)

Q: Why don’t we hear more from ex-“gays?”
A: Most want to forget this part of their past and move on with their lives. And, due to pro-“gay” societal conditioning, the idea that ex-“gays” exist is strongly resisted, discounted, mocked, and silenced.

Q: Why is the idea of change from homosexuality marginalized?
A: The truth would expose “gayness” as sick and wrong, and bankrupt a powerful cultural/political movement.

Q: Why are some churches denying Biblical doctrine in favor of homosexuality?
A: Fear, intimidation, misinformation, and self-interest. Hate crimes bills if passed would threaten their existence and they don’t want to appear “intolerant.”

Q. Do you believe churches should accept open“gays” in full fellowship?
A: No. For their own good such individuals should be tough-loved, invited to repent, offered resources and therapy, and disciplined appropriately, just as others who stray from God’s laws. Of course, everyone should be encouraged to attend church and welcomed at meetings.

Q: Should even those privately struggling with SSA, who have not “acted out,” be chastened, offered help and correction, and held accountable by the church?
A: Yes. The church should be concerned with the person’s soul. People with this problem have become involved in perverse and sinful lust to the detriment of their eternal salvation.

Q: Why do you put “acting out” in quotes?
A: Some mistakenly think homosexual behavior entails only sodomy. But same sex sexual attraction often involves a gamut of acting out, including preoccupation with sex, masturbation, fantasizing or lust, pornography, and sinful associations such as gay clubs, internet chat rooms, telephone sex, cross dressing, flirting, dating, and cruising. All these are mental and physical choices and acts.

Q: What does SoL hope to accomplish?
A: Educate about the gay movement and prevention/overcoming of homosexuality out of love for God, reliance on Christ, and an eternal perspective on the worth of souls.

Q: How is SoL’s message received?
A: Many ways: with agreement, gratitude, relief, hope, incredulity, squeamishness, apathy, criticism, ridicule, anger, name-calling, threats.

Q: How do you react to negative responses?
A: If we feel criticisms or concerns are intelligent and sincere, we respectfully offer more information. If not, we just thank them for sharing their feelings.


-Stephen & Janice Graham

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