The Standard of Liberty Voice
For God,Religion,Family,Freedom
A publication of The Standard of Liberty Foundation
May 1, 2006, #21

Somewhere Over the Rainbow –
that’s where you’ll find the whole truth about “gayness”

The gay activist community continues to promote the false idea that homosexuality is all about wholesomeness, diversity, light and love. One conspicuous example is how homosexual activists have commandeered the cheerful, multi-colored rainbow as their international symbol. Living on this planet, heavily clouded as it is by self-serving political correctness, it takes a great deal of genuine sunlight to see that homosexuality is not any of those pure-sounding, rainbow-ish things they want everyone to think it is. I do not make this statement without proof. Several years ago my own son was troubled by homosexual tendencies and asked for the help of his parents and professional counseling. In the painful process of his reclamation we learned a great deal about the dark reality of the homosexual community today at least in the context of our son’s experience, which is stunningly exposed in his book, Captain of My Soul, coming out soon.

And my son is not the only one. There are thousands of honest individuals who, fed up with the lies and deception being touted by the prestige media, are coming out of obscurity to proclaim the truth. Right-thinking people everywhere are touched by their heart-wrenching fall-and-redemption stories and horrified by the shallow seaminess of the homosexual lifestyle they left behind.

I have one such example here. The following is a portion of a transcript from a session at a Sunstone Symposium, July 30, 2005, sponsored by an unofficial fringe group of LDS and ex-LDS. What you are going to read is a comment from an unnamed audience member made at the end of a panel discussion at the Symposium. You’ll need to know that the discussion concerned a pamphlet available on the Internet called “For the Strength of Gay Youth” the author’s answer to the LDS Church’s well-known youth guidance publication “For the Strength of Youth.” No, “For the Strength of Gay Youth” is not a joke. It won an award from the LDS gay community. All four panelists gave great glowing endorsements of it as a well-written, wonderful, helpful guide for “gay kids” age 12 and up. Rather than comment on the pamphlet myself, I’ll let you hear the unrehearsed reaction of one honest man.

“I’m kinda nervous . . . I’ll start with the disclosure that I’m a same gender attracted male who, 32-year-old, who did the whole coming out, embracing my sexuality, and now I”ve gone back to church and feel that’s where I belong and where I found most of my happiness and true strength as an individual. My main concern about this article [“For the Strength of Gay Youth”] as I read it was I felt I could get the same message from MTV. And I felt lied to as an individual about homosexuality, about gayness, about what it really entails. It doesn’t fairly warn [about] the dangers of the sexuality part for one thing. For me that’s something I’m struggling with immensely. I thought that it [homosexuality] was all about my feelings but the sexuality is such a strong part of it. And right now I’m addicted to sex, . . it’s like . . it’s, well I mean, it’s not the only thing I’m addicted to. I feel that The Strength of Youth pamphlet [“For the Strength of Youth” put out by the LDS Church] was given as a strong firm guideline to protect us against these type of things. And for the Strength of the Gay thing . . . it just kind of says well, do what feels good, which is what I feel was my downfall. Doing what felt good, or what felt going by my own instincts, led me into a darker and deeper hell that I’m right now still struggling to get out of . . . I really think it needs stronger, firmer warnings about the dangers of the gay community, the gay lifestyle, things that I wasn’t prepared for. You know sexuality is not something to be experimented with. It needs to be kept, you know, closely under grips until one is ready and I don’t know that any homosexual man is ever ready. . . It doesn’t really talk about the relationship part of it. With me, I found that the relationships were never fulfilling, my homosexual relationships. I could not understand why I had this beautiful, wonderful companion, this man that I was dating whom I loved dearly but yet I was cheating on him and I was always looking for something more, something that was not fulfilled. And my personal belief is, that’s because the foundations of my sexuality were not healthy. The very fact that I do not feel fulfilled and defined as a man, as an individual, was the basis of my sexuality. And so those are some of my concerns that this [booklet] does not address from one who feels that now that I’ve found much more light and happiness which I had lost and misplaced when I entered this whole gay lifestyle and when I embraced my homosexuality. That’s all I have to say. Thanks.” (Click here to hear the actual audio recording of this statement.)

Lies. Dangers. No warning. Lost light. Misplaced happiness. Downfall. Unhealthy. Unfulfilled. Addictions. Darkness. Hell . . . It doesn’t sound like a happy, wholesome lifestyle, does it? How can hearts not melt in great compassion for this man and the many others like him? I pray he will get the help he needs to heal and change as he so desires. I have great hope that he will be successful.

But there’s more where that came from. A must-read is Ronald G. Lee’s story, “The Books were a Front for the Porn; The Truth about the Homosexual Rights Movement.” There are several videos unmasking the gay lifestyle, “I Do Exist” and “Choosing to Change from Homosexuality,” revealing the tragic histories of many now-happy ex-gays. “The Report: The Gay Agenda” is a shocking insight into the utter depravity that occurs at public gay events (or used to – gay activism has evidently cleaned up its public appearance in recent years in order to push its agenda with less cultural resistence). The first chapter of David Kupelian’s new book, The Marketing of Evil, is an excellent summary illuminating the deception inherent in the modern gay lifestyle and movement.

Back at the Symposium, after this man stopped speaking, the panelists’ reactions were incredible. They jumped at the chance to comment on what he said, first flattering him for his courage and, second, belittling and invalidating his genuine concerns. So much for compassion.

We have to see past the rhetoric, the lies, the smoke and the mirrors. It’s somewhere over the so-called gay rainbow, way over, on pure white clouds of honesty such as we hear from this man and many others like him, where we’ll find reality. And, as we learned in the case of our son, we must find it. It is only through truth and understanding that we can lend our fellow man a helping hand out of the darkness and into the light.

-Stephen & Janice Graham

Copyright 2006 by Standard of Liberty Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.

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